
Tuesday 31 July 2018

A Time I Worked Extremely Hard To Achieve Something

This was the day when I worked incredibly hard to achieve being first in athletics. This was athletic day, one of the most nervous days that I could ever imagine. Plus cross country, speeches and poems. Obviously I was at school and feeling as apprehensive as I have ever been in a long time. We had to go in separate lines, like year 5 girls in one line and year 5 boys in another line.

The girls had to go first. We had to line up behind the year 4's. There were a bunch of columns that just goes straight a head. I think there was about 7, but I'm not sure. Anyway's we lined up and we had to crouch down, just like how any other athletic athlete would. Then Mrs. Pederson stood on the sideline, she was one of the teachers that counted and said GO! So there we were, getting ready to go and suddenly out of the blue...

"Go"Mrs Pederson, shouted. To be honest, it almost gave me a fright. Obviously at this point I was pretty scared at this point. The thing is normally when I'm scared I run anyways so that was actually great. So all of the girls and I start running as fast as we can. On all the races except for this one I always looked at the side of me. I'm absolutely confident that, by looking to the side it distracts me. So on the other races I came second but this race gets better. Just keep reading and you'll find out.

So the girls and I were sprinting, and on this race I didn't look to the sides. I just kept on looking straight ahead as I ran. During the race I don't even remember thinking about how nervous I was. I just kept saying to myself you can do this. Then little did I know I actually came first, in this race. At the end I was given the little stick that said first place. I was so proud of myself!

I think I did a pretty awesome job! I really enjoyed myself, besides feeling nervous, of course!!

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