
Thursday 15 November 2018

Why You Should Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast

 You should definitely eat ice cream for breakfast! Especially because it tastes delicious, so many flavours, colours and enhanced. I don't know about you, but I love lemonade cheese cake ice cream. It has these little bits of the crust in it. Plus when you bite into it, it's so soft and scrumptious. You need to eat ice cream in the morning, because after a good night's rest you need a nice treat for your stomach in the morning.You will thank me once you try it, it's something you have to try at least two times in your life.

Next, if you wake up and for some reason you are really hot, just grab some ice cream out of the freezer. Slowly you will cool down. You need to eat ice cream as soon as you wake up. Not to mention when the weather is hot in the morning. Just as I said before, grab some ice cream out of the freezer. Make sure you eat the rich delicious ice cream, instead of just putting an ice pack on your face.

If we're talking about ice cream, I don't just mean the one's in the plastic boxes. I'm talking about all kinds of ice cream, jelly tip, rocky road and much much more. I would suggest you eat a different flavour of ice cream every week.

You should not eat toast in the morning because it's hot, and it will definitely make you sleepy. If you eat ice cream, since it's cold it will keep you awake. Also it will give you a kick start to your day.

Hopefully I have convinced to at least try it.

Friday 26 October 2018

Lucky Number 13

 The new issue of Toi Toi came out. It's called "Lucky Number 13." That's because on the front cover there's a picture of a dog that's name is "Lucky." To me that's pretty clever how they named it.
In this new issue there's poems, narratives recounts and more. We read all the different stories and pieces of writing.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Which Drink Is Better For Your Health?

On Tuesday we had a Nutrition class. We had a nutrition teacher and her name was Adele. In this picture we had to place in order all these different drinks, from healthiest to one of the most sugary drinks. We had drinks that ranged from school milk, to coke and other sugary drinks. I learned that in a little bottle of coke there is 13 table spoons of sugar inside.

Sunday 21 October 2018

Facts About The World We Live In

My Holiday

After term three it was time for the two week holiday. My cousins came over and we had an awesome play together.

I woke up around 12 pm. That's probably because I went to sleep around 1 am. I was to busy watching "The 100". It's this amazing program on Netflix. It's about how people from the ark  (A space ship from space) are delegated down to earth specifically 300. They have to find out if the ground/ earth is survivable. Especially after bombs and what it looked like a War!

Until they discover they are not the only survivors. Dangerous Grounders and strange Mountain Men survived and started a war! Not to mention the terrifying Reapers.

Moments later my cousins from my mum's side came to my nana's house. That's where Pupuke, Sosefina, Mary Grace and I were. I saw my aunty and my cousins Shelly, TJ, JT, Chelsea and Taishell.  Normally when I see any family there's that same weird silence, although the parents just talk, Well that's exactly what happened. I was to shy to talk to them  and they were to shy to talk to me.

Around 30 minutes later, my cousins all went to my brother Pupuke. I'm guessing they got tired of their mum's conversation. I decided to go in the room. Distinctively my nana's room. All I heard was, Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!. They were all acting fancy and speaking in a British accent. Taishell kept on saying "Her weave got snatched." I had no clue what that had meant and to be honest. DON'T WANNA KNOW!

Hanging out with my cousins was pretty cool! I'm not gonna lie. We had lots of laughs and some awkward silence. As long as I spent a lovely time with them.

Thursday 18 October 2018

My Life In The Digital World

This google drawing shows the technology I use and what I do in the digital world. As You can see I watch t.v I play on a phone and more.

Can You Hear That?

1. Do you just hear with your ears?
2. How far can elephants communicate with each other? Elephants can communicate up to 10 kilometres in the right condition.
3. What are New Zealand's native bat called? A New Zealand's native bat is called a "Pekapeka".
4. Can earphones damage your hearing? Earphones can damage your hearing but you might not realise how much damage it's doing.
5. What do native bats use to hunt? The native bats use echolocation to hunt because it identify's objects that are difficult to see.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Volley Ball- Kiwi Sport

 A while ago, my class and I had Kiwi sport, which was volleyball. It was really fun! On the first day of Kiwi sport we met our coach, and her name was Renae. The first skill that we had to learn was the over-arm serve and the under arm serve. Renae said that you have to have a strong hand in order to do both serves.

For the under arm serve, you have to hold the ball with your left hand and do a small throw. Just a throw upwards that will land back on your hand. Then before the ball lands on your hand you swing your right arm towards the ball. With your palm hitting under the ball.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Having HOPE

 As you know a few days ago it was Daffodil day. We celebrate Daffodil day to donate a gold coin for the cancer society to find a cure. Ruapotaka HOPES that the cancer society will find a cure for cancer.

On Daffodil day I received a daffodil form my principal. I did because I donated a gold coin to help those in need. So far doctors and nurses have not found a cure. HOPEFULLY soon they will.  You can help those in need to, by donating a gold coin next year.

Sunday 2 September 2018

TIRING Cross Country

 This year cross country was one of the most tiring days of my life! To be honest though, it was actually one of the best, except for the whole running thing.

So, first off we had to sit down in our years, on the benches. So there was one bench for the year 1's, 2's and so on. We had to wait until years from 1 to 5 had finished. Students at my school were running like the flash. I'm so proud of them, how they ran as fast as they could and did not give up.

It was finally time for the year 6's to run. I had butterfly's in my stomach plus nervous system starting to explode inside. I did not give up, and little do you know I came first out of the girls! Plus all of the year 6's.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Soldier-Acrostic Poem

S acrifice, and bravery.
O n the best fight.
L etting go of your fears.
D ieing for the ones that you love.
I n the war giving it your all.
E mpty hearts.
R esting in peace.

Monday 27 August 2018

Lions-Acrostic Poem

L ioness slowly creeping towards their prey.
I n the jungle slowly ripping their prey into pieces.
O fficers trying to control them.
N ever  giving up on fighting.
S traight away they will find water to survive.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Follow Up-Who Froze Farrell Flint Percy Jackson

Minnie Sharp might be small,
But she’s the most brilliant detective,
Of all.

Once she has something that’s delicious and nice to eat,
She’s a detective again,
Back on her feet.

When it comes to a job, or rather,
She will have to be even smarter.

When you give Minnie something enormous,
Give her something else, she needs ginormous.

Monday 20 August 2018

Bored Poem

Doing the same chores,
Minute after minute, minute after minute.

Washing the dishes,
Day after day, day after day.

Waiting for my dad to come home,
Second after second, second after second.

Waiting for the tablet to charge,
Millisecond after Millisecond, millisecond after millisecond.

Reading the same book,
Month after month, month after month

Thursday 9 August 2018

My Relationship With My Grandparents

My relationship with my grandparents is really strong. My nana and I will share stories from school and also from back in the day. My favourite part with my nana is hearing her stories, especially about how they met.

So my nana was a nurse, and one day my papa came as a patient. The first thing that my papa said to her was, “Come here and sing me a song”. So she did, she sat right next to him and started to sing. Sooner or later they fell in love with each other.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Happiness Poem

Happiness tastes like chocolate deliberately melting,
Inside your mouth.

Happiness smells like,
the scent of pizza,
when your not expecting it.

Happiness looks like,
Society laughing, singing and dancing.

Happiness feels like,
A magnificent big hug from mum.

Happiness is,
The warmth and convenience from your siblings.

Happiness is,
You laughing and joking,
With your best-friends.

Happiness is,
The sound of,
Jokes and amusement coming from your family.

Tuesday 31 July 2018

A Time I Worked Extremely Hard To Achieve Something

This was the day when I worked incredibly hard to achieve being first in athletics. This was athletic day, one of the most nervous days that I could ever imagine. Plus cross country, speeches and poems. Obviously I was at school and feeling as apprehensive as I have ever been in a long time. We had to go in separate lines, like year 5 girls in one line and year 5 boys in another line.

The girls had to go first. We had to line up behind the year 4's. There were a bunch of columns that just goes straight a head. I think there was about 7, but I'm not sure. Anyway's we lined up and we had to crouch down, just like how any other athletic athlete would. Then Mrs. Pederson stood on the sideline, she was one of the teachers that counted and said GO! So there we were, getting ready to go and suddenly out of the blue...

"Go"Mrs Pederson, shouted. To be honest, it almost gave me a fright. Obviously at this point I was pretty scared at this point. The thing is normally when I'm scared I run anyways so that was actually great. So all of the girls and I start running as fast as we can. On all the races except for this one I always looked at the side of me. I'm absolutely confident that, by looking to the side it distracts me. So on the other races I came second but this race gets better. Just keep reading and you'll find out.

So the girls and I were sprinting, and on this race I didn't look to the sides. I just kept on looking straight ahead as I ran. During the race I don't even remember thinking about how nervous I was. I just kept saying to myself you can do this. Then little did I know I actually came first, in this race. At the end I was given the little stick that said first place. I was so proud of myself!

I think I did a pretty awesome job! I really enjoyed myself, besides feeling nervous, of course!!

What I Would Expect At A Wedding

At a wedding I would expect, there to be a whole lot of noise. I would expect to see children running around and then they get in trouble. I would probably hear screaming, from little kids, but soon after they will have to settle down. 

Also at a wedding I would expect their to be a lot of cultural food. Like Kumara, Potatoes, mussels, oysters and more of course. Especially deserts, like chocolate moose which is my favourite. I would expect like, three or four tables of food. 

I would also expect, really loud music. To make it loud, there would probably be speakers all around where the wedding is. I think there would also be a whole group of flowers, that are at each table. I think there would be invitations on a bit of paper that would be laminated.

I think after the ceremony there would be a whole lot of dancing!!

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Sunday 22 July 2018

Recount- At The Pump-house

First we had to give our permission slips, to go to the pump-house first. Then we went on a protracted bus ride to go to Takapuna, which is where the pump-house is. My class, other classes and I all went. We went yesterday, Tuesday the third of July.

As you might know all of us went on a bus. There were about 46 children. To be honest every single time we go on a bus, all I can hear is screaming! It was so loud, when I was whispering to Leanah, I couldn't even hear my self. All I could hear was screaming and talking. In the bus you would sit next to a buddy. On our way to the pump-house, I sat next to Grace which is a girl in room 5. Then on our way back I sat next to Sonny which is my friend in my class.

The first show was called The Great White Man Eating Shark, it was out standing. I would love to see it again. The only thing is that I was very uncomfortable sitting on the chair. I folded my legs but I was still uncomfortable. I really liked how they used expression, and how they remembered all their lines. Also how they were very brave, if I was on that stage I would probably forget my lines and be shaking at the same time. One of the reasons are because I'm extremely shy and quiet. There were two more plays that they did and it was called, The Boy With Two Shadows and The Boy That Was Followed Home. I enjoyed all of them and thought that it was amazing.

At the end of the show we went outside and met all the actors.

Reflections On Term 2 Goals

I will try my best to achieve my goals.

I did achieve my reading goal because by asking questions, I found out the meaning of the word.
I did achieve my writing goal because I used a thesaurus, and that made me focus on using more descriptive words.
I did not achieve my maths goal because I did not try hard enough and focus.

Monday 2 July 2018

Wednesday 27 June 2018

The Investigation To Find Who Froze Farrell Flint

When you read this report you will know what I think about this narrative called, 'Who Froze Farrell Flint'. It's a very interesting and exciting book. I would suggest you read it for yourself.

Monday 25 June 2018

Mati Mati Game

This game is quite easy, and you can keep on practising, and see how good you can get. This all you need, and how to play.
Equipment- Sticks, you get the same amount of sticks that have the same amount of people.
Directions- You place the tall stick on the ground but do not plant and stick it in. Get in a circle and place the stick up so that it’s standing up.  When you’re standing, hold the stick, somebody will shout  directions, or commands, the commands are Maui and Matou. Maui is left and Matou is right.  If the commander says Maui then you and you’re group run to the stick on their left, ,if they say matou then you go to your stick on your right,  that’s the same as everybody else. Whoever drops the stick is out.

Matariki Report

This is a report about Matariki, beliefs and more.

Wednesday 20 June 2018

The Fastest Cheetah

This report is about one of the most fastest animal in the world, a Cheetah! This will talk about a Cheetah's life cycle, how they take care of them self's, their habitat and more.

Thursday 7 June 2018

Maori Land Past & Present

This was made to represent Maori land in the past and in the present. This was in a google drawing, made by myself and Faye.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

The Lion And The Cheetah

In South Africa, there were two greedy animals. This was back in 1940, when people were hunting for food.

There was one lion and a cheetah. They both were alone. The lion didn't even know that the cheetah was alive! Four days passed, lion was looking for water and went hunting. He heard something in the bushes, he cleared the bushes away. Behind the bushes was cheetah admiring all his meat and water. He basically had everything that he could ask for. (Plus more)

Lion was starving, he could do anything to get some food. So he leaned towards cheetah and asked politely if he could have some. Cheetah was cruel and selfish, for he did not care about him. Cheetah turned back at him and said, ''NO!! Don't you have food of you're own" Lion was melancholy, and slowly pondered back into his cave.

Back at his cave he made a plan, once cheetah had finished his meal he would be sluggish. So he would take a nice sleep. Lion snook up to him and started eating all cheetah's food. He kept on eating and eating until he got full.

Apparently, cheetah got captured and was sent to a facility in North Carolina. He was apart of testing time travel, and he saw lion again...

Thursday 24 May 2018

Poem- Ice Cream

Ice cream is delicious and very, very yummy
Sometimes I eat so much and get an upset tummy.
It comes in different flavours and different colours too,
My favourite is chocolate and I might be the same as you.

Even though it can be very cold,
With me around it will always be sold.
Ice cream will always be the best,
always better then all the rest.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

What I Want To Do When I Grow Up

(Introduction) When I grow up I want to help the homeless. This is because last night I found out that over 100 citizens from New Zealand are homeless. Even though that might not happen, I will try my best to.

(Problem) Even though this might feel amazing, there's a problem to everything I believe. I'm just a kid and I don't know how to help them, I say if you're dreams aren't scaring you, you're not dreaming big enough. On the news, that's where I heard about this, I screamed, "That's terrible"! I hate seeing people with no food, nor homes. Then what we do is waste food, and throw it away. I believe though we have to stay strong. If the government will not help, I will try my best to.

Other than that, I do not have money so how will I help them. I know that the government is busy almost 24\7 but still. Who ever the government is they need to work on it, and not just the government but everybody. I hope by the end of this year, all homeless people will receive homes.

(Solution) Even though I might be a bit stuck, on how to help the homeless I will try. I will start by giving some food to them, I might not have enough but at least I will make progress. I will try my best to take care of them, even if nobody will. It will be my achievement, my goal. I'll take baby steps, slowly working my way to the top. I  hope that Australia will help us, since we helped them. Maybe they will, or maybe they won't.

Sometimes I can't even believe that citizens from New Zealand are homeless! To be honest it's one of the most ridiculous, information I've ever heard. So ridiculous I didn't believe it! Until the news reporter convinced me, by showing me the people. It doesn't make me feel happy at all, well to be honest. We need to help the homeless and take care of them, I try to make other people happy, then myself.

Sunday 20 May 2018

Maui And The Stars

  • (Introduction)In a land where little seeked more, there was a boy called Maui. He lived with his Mother and father. Maui’s father was the chief, they were struggling to find food, nor did they have enough water. Maui decided, that it was enough and he will find more food.

  • (Problem) There village kept on struggling, Maui could not believe how his village could live like this. If only there were something that they can exchange for food. Maui’s father wanted to talk to him, his father looked ill, sick and more. Maui’s father lay down there on the bed with Maui holding his hand. “Come closer, listen to me” said father. “You will become chief, help this village as how I failed” said Maui’s father. “I will” said Maui. Before his father closed his eyes, he gave Maui his cloak.

  • (Solution)One night Maui went fishing, he did not catch any fish, or enough fish for the village. Maui thought that he failed his father, he promised him but he could not give up. He looked up at the stars, he did not think much at first. Until he saw it led somewhere. He noticed because all the stars were all in a straight line. As you know stars do not do that all! Maui was keen to know where it was going, so he started his journey. He took one of the kanoes and sailed across the sea. He followed the stars and had to deal with extreme weather and starvation. When several nights passed, the trail of the stars had stopped it was a cave. The cave was quite dim and dark. In the cave was two big red diamonds. There was a statue that was holding the diamond, it was a lady, she looked like she was from Egypt. On one of the fingertips it was a warning, which the writing said, one is worthy, only one can hold these diamonds. Maui did not think much as he normally does not. He picked up  the two diamonds and the cave rumbled, Maui quickly ran out of the cave and sailed back home. 

  • (Conclusion)He told his mother where he has been. Maui showed his mother the two diamonds. The mother took it to the jewelry store next door for exchange for over 1 million dollars. Maui and the mother found out the two diamonds were super rare. There was only one that somebody has ever seen so they got 1 million dollars per diamond. They had more than enough money to pay for the whole village, they now had something to eat and drink. They lived in peace at last with a smile on their face! 

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Hip Hop With Jess

Today, room 10, Miss Misela and I went to the multipurpose room. We went there because we had Kiwi Sport with Jess. She said we had her for 6 weeks starting from today. First we had to sit down on the floor, she talked about what we are going to do. She said we have to do a warm up first, at first I felt no pain, then it started coming slowly. Most of the warm ups were something to do with you're arms. After the warm up we played a game of musical statues. I was the third to last standing. The other two were Agueer and Alamoni. They won the game. Then we started dancing and it was so much fun.

Monday 14 May 2018

Phone OFF Eyes On

Last week Sai, Alamoni, Musika and I made this poster. This poster was made to convince all children, especially adults to remind them to be road safe. I did the text, Alamoni did the decorating, Musika and Sai did the images.

Saturday 12 May 2018


This video is starring Kate, Maddy, Winnie, Kymani and Shaniqua. They worked really hard, and because of their hard work they are getting prizes, to celebrate.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Road Safety Poem

Before you cross the road look left and right,
Image result for road safetyDon't worry about  thing you'll be alright.
Use a pedestrian, to stop you from danger,
You will come and see you're amazing saviours.

Please be safe around the cars,
If you're near or if you're far.
Phone Off,
Eyes On,
So you'll never be upon.

Be careful of drive  thru's,
and their sneaky ways.
Then you'll be just,

Tuesday 8 May 2018

TOITOI Writing

1- Groups
2- Books
3- Stories
Thoughts, Feelings, Lasted Longer
Who, What, When, Where, Why

On Monday the 7th of May, after fitness we went into room 11.  Room 9 and 10 went inside because ToiToi was visiting to celebrate Konzay's published writing.

It all started with us walking into room 11, we sat down and remained there for quite a while. Shortly Konzay, Mrs. Vickers and the PWC community soon came in. Then we split into groups of 7, 6 5 and 4. My teacher Miss Misela and Mrs. Riley did their calculations then they split us into groups. I was with Frank, Nurul, Jason and more people. One person from PWC came to come and read with us. I don't remember her name, but she had a raspy voice and dark brown hair.

Miss Misela gave me a pile of ToiToi books. I gave each and every one a book. At first I was really shy and so was everybody else in my group. We could pick any story we wanted too, that's what the lady said. Nobody in our group picked one so she did. She picked Konzay's writing, My Friend Dominic.

When we were reading we picked so many books. My favourite is probably The Abandoned House. The story was about this four story house, that was in the middle of nowhere. It was surrounded by a miniature black fence, with a gate at the front. It looked very decrepit and rusty, the house was painted in a very light grey. There was nobody inside, a family went by, and went to go look inside...

I really enjoyed all the stories, but I wished that it could have at least lasted 15 more minutes. That is because I wanted to read all the stories, that I didn't read. At the same time though I also wanted to do reading in class, also to do activities. Either way I really relished, or loved it very much.

Marked by Diego.

Sunday 6 May 2018

The Movie That Changed My Life ( Recount)

On the 28th of April we went to the movies. My sister Sosefina, my auntie and I went. We went because we have been cleaning, so that was our prize.

(Getting Food)
We went to Sylvia Park and went down to the food court. There was so many options, there was so much food that I smelt. My sister and I could have  picked anything, but in the end we picked Mc Donald's. I ordered a Filet'O fish burger, fries and a small Fanta. Sosefina and I ordered the same thing. My auntie had a chicken burger, fries and a drink from Burger King. We sat down and ate then we went into the movies.

(Picking The Movie)
We went in line, and we stood there for quite a while. About five  minutes later, it was our turn to get our tickets. My sister and I wanted to go play games, but we had to choose the movie so we couldn't. We had two choices, A Wrinkle In Time or Avengers Infinity War. My sister picked A Wrinkle In Time, so I went with it.

(Watching The Movie)
We brang our drinks into the theatre, because we already ate. We gave our tickets to this lady, she ripped it in half and gave it back. She told us which cinema we had to go in, that cinema was number 1. The movie started with memories of the girl, I don't remember her name but she was the main character. There was memories of her and her dad. Her dad was so desperate to shake hands with the universe, he was making unbelievable discoveries. One day he made a presentation, he showed and spoke about space, time and the stars. The people in the crowd did not believe him they thought he was joking, but nor we wasn't. They laughed and laughed at him as if he told the most hilarious joke. Her dad got lost, and the daughter went on an adventure to go find him. The daughter always thought about him, she started having anxiety and trust issues, but soon she stopped.

I really wish that, we went to the pools and had a good swim. The movie was really sad, but it also made me quite angry. She keeps on holding back on things she's scared of, but mostly the things she wants to do. For example, to save her dad,  she kept on hesitating if she really wanted to do it, but kept on being afraid.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Alphabet- Thinking Key

A- Aqua
B- Black
C- Charcoal
D- Dark Medium Grey
E- Emerald
G- Gold
H- Hollywood
I- Indigo
L- Lavender
M- Maroon
N- Navy Blue
O- Olivine
P- Peach
Q- Quartz Grey
R- Royal Purple
S- Sapphire
T- Tan
U- Ultramine
V- Violet
W- Wheat
X- Xanthic
Y- Yellow
Z- Zucchini

Wednesday 11 April 2018

A Look Back In Time...

Yesterday, room 9 and room 10 went to the museum. We went by bus, and off we were to the museum! We were only going to look at the ANZAC display. This is what I saw.  We had to walk up the stairs and we walked past so many names. The teachers were asking us questions about the names. All these names were the names of the soldiers who fought in the war. I didn't think that there would be so many  soldiers, but  when I saw those walls, it was amazing!  We also walked past a wedding dress from 1914, which smelt really weird. I have a really strong sense of smell so I could smell that when we came in. Beside the wedding dress there was this Egyptian gold plate. It was a gift from someone. It had all these swirly patterns on it, I have a feeling it was saying something but in their language. When some of the teachers were speaking I could hear an Eco. Well it makes sense it was a huge, GIGANTIC room! You should come to the museum to it's really fun!

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Sun Sonata

Yesterday, my reading group and I read a poem called Sun Sonata.  The poem was talking about the sun and the shadow. We had to memorise our poem so we could recite it to the class.

Sun Sonata

The sun shone a tree over my yard today,
Stretched it's long black arms
 Around my garden and into my house
Where thin dark fingers
Played a small masterpiece
on my arm.

Elizabeth Pulford

( Adverb Poem) Soldiers

Bravely fighting for the war,
Bravely fighting to the core,
Image result for soldiers
Bravely fighting and risking their lives,
Bravely finishing and slowly dies,

Bravely wearing our poppy for our saviours,
Bravely saved us from the dangers

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Harry's War Poem

H: Harry's luck turned around.
A: A chance in a life time and everything changed.
R: Rough and tough.
R: Running for my life.
Y: Yelling and cheering, the war is over.

W: War should never start again.
A: A sacrifice made for Harry's people.
R: Right there fighting beside you.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

How To Get To A New Destination

Start At The X

Step 1,
You have to be facing the yellow house.

Step 2,
Take 9 steps froward.

Step 3,
Turn left and take 20 steps.

Step 4,
On you're diagonal right take 22 steps.
(You should be near a hoop)

Step 5,
 Take ten steps but go as straight as you can.

Now you're at you're destination.

I learned that when you make you're instructions you have to be specific. Some people learned that the hard way. Like if you write diagonal, explain which diagonal. Also make sure you know you're left and right.

Sunday 25 March 2018

How To Write A Blog Post...

Kia Ora, and I will be telling you how to write a blog post.

First, you need to log in, so you can go to blogger. Next you will see an orange button, it will say new post, so you can click on  it. It will take you to a different background. There would be the word Post, in orange writing. Next to it will be a bar, where you can type. That's where you put your title. Your title has to be in capital letters. Also your title is normally something about what you are going to write about.

Next, in the text below there would be a huge gap full of white. There you can write you're text and you can also place in a picture. Next to where you typed there would be Labels. Click on that link then write something related to your blog post. Then when you're done click done and you can post it. Click publish.

Tip: Do not post two posts in one day, schedule it, next to the time.

How To Get To My Favourite Place...

Kia Ora, today I will be  giving you instructions to get to my favourite place. It will be from my school to my favourite place.

Step 1,
Go to the front of the school, turn left and go straight. There will be two roads , for that turn right. Go straight and turn right. You will see a round about and KFC. Turn where KFC is and go straight.

Step 2,
Go straight and turn on your first right.

Step 3,
Then go straight and  turn into Paddington  Street.

Step 4,
Go to the first Pohutikawa tree that you see with a wooden fence.

Conclusion, you're there!

Thursday 22 March 2018

Danger Man by Mark Sizer

Today with my group Sapphire, we read a story called Danger Man! Written by Mark Sizer and illustrated by Mat Tait.

The story is about when four friends go out for an adventure and one of them fall for an unexpected adventure. At dawn Josh's best friend wakes Josh and both of them decide to explore the campsite. They woke up Luke and Ryan to come with them. It was one of those eerie mornings, which are the best. There wasn't much to explore on the main camp, but they found a lake with a zip line. There was a raft that somebody had built.

Josh had something on his mind, I'm pretty sure he wanted to ride the zip line.  So he wanted a challenge. Of course he was going to do it, but then when he was riding on it the line started to get lower and lower. He collapsed into the river. Of course he would be soaking, and he was.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

How To Draw A Portrait Of A Friend

First you need a pencil, rubber and your piece of paper. You need a rubber to rub out the guide lines once it's done. Once you have got your materials, then draw a face. Make sure you draw the face portrait, not landscape.Not specifically a circle, but kind of a shape of an egg. If you look at your friend and they kind of have like a slim jaw line then draw an upside down egg. Once you have done that it's time to do the guide lines. From the top of the face down to the chin, do little dots. Try to do this as straight as possible. Now from the left cheek to the right cheek place the little dots there as well. Then you need to draw another line of dots, one centimetre below.

Next, it's time to draw the face. Where you put the second line of dots is where yo place the eyes. There is so many eye shapes. If your friend has almond eyes than do kind of a half oval shape. Do this to the top and the bottom. Also do it to the right as well, draw the pupil of the eye in the centre. For your nose it goes in to the middle of the third line you drew and the second.  Look at the shape of their nose, and draw in the middle.

Then, it's time for the lips. The lips go where you placed the third dotted line. You could draw juju lips, or really small lips, but my advice is to really look at your friends face. Second to last draw the hair, was it curly, straight, bushy?

Last but not least rub out the guided lines with your rubber.

Sunday 18 March 2018

Swimming Reflection

For the past few weeks room 10 ad other classes have been swimming.

For the past weeks I have improved on how long I can swim. Last year I could not swim to the other side of the pool, which was 15 metres. This year I could swim to the end and also kick off the wall as well. The only thing is that I did not make it far and that's alright. I have also improve in back stroke, by also using my arms.

I really hope we can swim again!!

Thursday 15 March 2018

River Talks, Recount

Yesterday, room 10 and 12 walked down to Point England Reserve. There took place an event which was river talks. We first had to have our lunch next to the library. The only thing is that room 10 and I had our lunch in class but we weren't supposed to. We came into the library and room 12 was eating their lunch. We were supposed to, but like I said we didn't.

Right after that we had to line up, into two even lines. Then the adventure began, besides the students and prefects we also walked with the teachers as well. The way that we went was a shortcut to get there faster. Mrs. Golder, said to stay of the grass so we did.

We finally arrived and it started with a man, he was chanting  in Maori and also talking about his life back in the day. He was in the river, our purpose was to clean the river so the marine animals would live. Also so we could swim and fish. There were stations and we would move on one by one. There was  dancing, singing, drumming and more. It last ended with the two schools singing a song. Our song that we sang was Ehara.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

What I Want To Know About, And What I Know About The Commonwealth Games

What I want to know about the games is how long does it take for the staff, or someone to set it up? To me by the looks of it, it will take for ages! Also do you have any special people that come there? Why do you celebrate it? You know how it's called the Commonwealth Games, why did you pick that name? Also how many people come to your event, 3,000, 5,000 how many?


Image result for commonwealth gamesThe common wealth games take place in Australia, Gold Coast. This is a special event when you can do different activities. Such as soccer, touch, rugby and many more. Different countries around the world also participate as well. I have never been to the Common Wealth Games but if I go I hope I enjoy it!

Monday 12 March 2018

Black Ferns Get Paid!

For all the hard work and dedication the black ferns get paid for their work. They get paid 2,000 dollars a week. Normally the Black Ferns never get paid. Even when they win the world cup!! Either way they finally get paid. I'm really proud of them and the All Blacks. They proved that ladies are strong and they can make it as well. They have won 5 world cups which is amazing and outstanding!!!

WWII Ship Found After 76 Years!

The ship wreck of an American aircraft was found off the coast of Australia. This was found 3 kilometres beneath the Coral Sea. The ship will not to
 be taken because the navy said it will be considered as a war grave. The ship was lost in the battle of the Coral Sea, fought with Japan from 4-8 May 1942. The navy said that 216 crew members had died after the ship was attacked. More than 2,000 were rescued. 

Sunday 11 March 2018

Jacinda Ardern Helps Pacific Islanders!

Jacinda, our prime minister, has been welcomed to go to the Pacific Islands. Including Samoa, she's helping to recover that country from last months cyclone. She's visiting the Cook Islands, Niue, Tonga and Samoa. She was welcome to come over to these Pacific Islands.

Foreign Minister, Winston Peter's has also joined her for the ride.

She is helping Samoa and Tonga recover from the cyclone. They have really struggled, and they have to regrow their plants, crops, vegetables, fruit and more. Jacinda has gave 3 million dollars to Samoa for funding. This year they have tried to focus on recovery and to do it quickly. 

Thursday 8 March 2018

Waitangi Poem



W- We are one people
A- At  the time the treaty was signed in 1840.
I- In the beginning there was no peace.
T- The treaty was signed between Pakeha and Maori.
A-  A treaty is an agreement between two or more parties.
N- No WAR!
G- Get together and be considerate.
Related imageI- It's the people that are special.

Thursday 22 February 2018

Naming Directions In Maori!

Every Thursday, Mrs Riley the teacher in room nine comes and teaches us actions in Maori and  greetings we have never thought of. Today I will teach you something that I have learnt during that time.

Our first week our WALT was to ask questions in Maori of course. Kei te pehea koe? This means how are you in Maori. Kei te - ahaulau. This is your response but that hyphen is where you can pick what to say. Kei te pai ahau, this means I'm good, but if course in Maori. There is so many words, ngenge means tired, riri means angry, pouri is sad and hari koa is happy. 

I hope you have learnt something new from this post. 

What Am I?

I have so many patterns on me. I'm usually in  a place where it's blazing hot!! I smell  like wood or plantation and it takes a long process to make me. Luckily at the end I look beautiful! I come in many different sizes, but my shape is usually square or rectangle. With four corners and my one face. I'm usually amber and never breath oxygen.  

Last of all I am very unique to Pacific Islanders. (Especially Tongan's)

What Am I?

Wednesday 21 February 2018

What I Want To Improve On..

This is me about like two days ago. In swimming some people think I am a very fast swimmer but I am not. Either way something I want to improve on is back stroke. Back stroke is when you have to lie on your back and then do your freestyle arms but backwards at the same time. For some people it's very easy, but for me it's extremely difficult.

I learnt the secret about floating on my back. To me that actually felt much more better, instead of just floating on my back and my legs sinking. Every week for swimming we have tutors and we split up into two groups, Our tutors name was Fancy Nancy. She is hilarious and she made everybody laugh before we got into the pool.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Pressure, Force and HEAT!

Kia Orana and welcome. Today we did a science experiment that we did for our inquiry. We took metal and put water inside and put the lid on. After while it exploded and the lid popped up. This science experiment was inspired by a volcano eruption and who it explodes with all the pressure.

Sunday 18 February 2018